EXPLORE: Alberto Aguilar
Note to Teachers:
Alberto Aguilar's work and his social media content are suitable for all ages.
Alberto Aguilar enacts his artworks through video, performance, sound recordings, cooking, photographs, participatory events, drawings, installations, interior design, writing, collage, singing, teaching, conducting interviews, curating, mail-art, being on the Internet, writing, and personal social exchanges (e.g. conversations, meals, gift-giving, visits to strangers’ homes, being with his family, being a tourist, playing games, doing favors, telling jokes, etc.).
From Lucero. (2013). Instructional Resources as Permission. Art Education 66:1. 24-32, page 25.

Alberto Aguilar celebrates family, community and art in the times and places we find ourselves. He documents his own home, school, and community , finding forms , relationships, and humor. He rearranges furniture, words, and in the process our own priorities. Check his work for ways to teach the elements and principles of design while acknowledging the relationships that make art meaningful.
Social Media
(Suitable for exploration by all ages)
A few minutes exploring Alberto Aguilar’s website, along with his Instagram and Facebook accounts, will provide a new lens to view your laundry, pets, living spaces and classwork. Check out his two week two week painting class with Alex Bradley Cohen (Feeling Spacey), furniture rearrangement (House Monuments) , travel ( Captured Moments), short songs conceived and recorded immediately during daily life (House Music), drawings on yellow pad paper ( Drawing in Passing) and photography with collaborative partner dog Archer.
Documented Residencies and Classes 2021
Ox-bow, Saugatuck, MI
Feeling Shapey: Movement & Abstraction in Contemporary Painting,
Alberto Aguilar - 3Arts Artist Awards 2011
Artist Statement
Alberto Aguilar is a _______-based artist born in _______, __. He has exhibited his artwork at various museums including the ________ Museum of _______ Art, Museum of ___________ Art _______, ___________ Institute of Art, The _______ _______ Museum of ________ Art and The Art _________ of _______. In his work he uses a straightforward visual language to connect with the viewer but purposefully voids out information as a way to create intrigue.
Further Reading
Cardosa, K. (2019). Alberto Aguilar draws no distinction between art and life . Chicago Reader.
A Chicago area review of a show that includes information about Alberto Aguilar’s background, family , and artistic purposes.
Lucero, J. (2013). Instructional resources as permission. Art Education. 66-1, 24-32,. pdf.
An Instructional Resource that gives information and context to Aguilar’s work. Instead of classroom ideas, Alberto has made a list of ways to integrate art with family life as an artwork itself.
Other lenses/themes to discuss the work: